Thinking of Making the Valley Home?
Relocation GuideWho hasn’t visited a new area and been really taken by a first impression? Sometimes when an impression is really favorable, human nature encourages us to imagine making that new locale home. Most of the time, the result is nothing more serious than an entertaining daydream, but on those rare occasions where the lure is great enough, one may be spurred into action.
If you would like to learn more about relocating to the North Fork Valley check out the relocation guide to help you learn about your new home.

So, is the Valley for you? Well, don’t take this article as any more than a primer. You won’t get a better idea until you get out there and experience the local flavor for yourself. Take your time; don’t rush to a conclusion. Whether you are right for the Valley and visa versa, is something you can only learn from first-hand experience.
Here is a first hand description of the North Fork Valley from a local:
"Semi-remote areas like the North Fork Valley are attractive to some people because of that simple fact. Semi-remote means this: While we have several small medical clinics and even a mobile clinic, if you need a hospital, it is not right across town; If you want to rent a movie or pick up bread and milk you can do that, just not at 2am when the urge strikes; While the Valley offers plenty of the goods you may need or desire, if you are used to a land of chain stores and instant access to anything and everything under the sun, well, no need to expound on the fact that you won’t have that experience here; and finally, remote equals rural, and rural means that agriculture and similar “land-based” economic endeavors take precedence. So if you don’t like to have to wait for cattle or sheep on the roadway, if you are turned off by the smells and sounds of the country, or if you can’t accept the sounds of an orchard wind machine on a chilly spring evening, then you are probably not in the right place."
"Semi-remote areas like the North Fork Valley are attractive to some people because of that simple fact. Semi-remote means this: While we have several small medical clinics and even a mobile clinic, if you need a hospital, it is not right across town; If you want to rent a movie or pick up bread and milk you can do that, just not at 2am when the urge strikes; While the Valley offers plenty of the goods you may need or desire, if you are used to a land of chain stores and instant access to anything and everything under the sun, well, no need to expound on the fact that you won’t have that experience here; and finally, remote equals rural, and rural means that agriculture and similar “land-based” economic endeavors take precedence. So if you don’t like to have to wait for cattle or sheep on the roadway, if you are turned off by the smells and sounds of the country, or if you can’t accept the sounds of an orchard wind machine on a chilly spring evening, then you are probably not in the right place."