Sheep Camp Stock Dog Trials - Hotchkiss
Discover one of Hotchkiss’ biggest annual events…
Current Event Information

The Annual Hotchkiss Sheep Camp Stock Dog Trials are held Mother's Day weekend, on the picturesque Richard Hotchkiss family ranch, immediately south of downtown Hotchkiss … just a few hundred feet south of the post office.
The dog trials are not only Hotchkiss’ biggest annual event, but are popular with dog/handler teams from across America.

Spring weather is unpredictable and it is not unknown for the audience to experience wind, rain or cold, although most years the weather is warm and sunny, so a hat and sun block are good ideas.
Stock dog trials are a sport consisting of highly trained dogs (mostly border collies) paired with a human handler who, solely by voice, whistle and hand signals, guides the dog in herding a small band of sheep through a series of gates and finally into a pen.

For associated events, contact the Hotchkiss Community Chamber of Commerce, 970-872-3226, or through the Events Calendar.